Mr. Matthew Beaton, Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
MEPA Office Purvi Patel, EEA No. 15787 (Vineyard Wind Connector)
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Re: Support for Offshore Wind and Vineyard Wind Connector
Dear Secretary Beaton and Ms. Patel,
I am writing today in support of the Vineyard Wind Connector, which would bring 800 MW of
clean, renewable energy from the country’s first commercial-scale offshore wind project onshore
in Barnstable, Massachusetts. The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) submitted by
Vineyard Wind reflects refinements and improvements to the company’s initial proposal and
demonstrates their commitment to working collaboratively with local communities to deliver real
benefits to the state.
As a solar developer whose companies have been doing business in the Commonwealth since
1979, I understand the critical importance of policy leadership in providing a foundation upon
which new industries can grow and thrive. Similar to the Commonwealth’s early work on solar,
Massachusetts is leading the nation’s efforts to establish a vibrant and robust offshore wind
industry. We stand to capture significant economic and job creation benefits as a result. In fact,
the recent news regarding MHI Vestas’s decision to open its US headquarters in Boston shows
that our efforts are already bearing fruit.
At the same time, offshore wind will go a long way to ensuring we meet the emission reduction
targets set established by the Global warming Solutions Act. The FEIR notes that Vineyard
Wind’s project will reduce New England’s electricity sector emissions by as much as 1.6 million
tons per year. The project also stands to lower electricity prices and could deliver total benefits
worth more than $1.4 billion dollars.
In light of the potential benefits, limited environmental impacts, and Vineyard Wind’s track record
of listening to and working with local communities, I strongly encourage you to allow Vineyard
Wind Connector to move forward.
In addition to approving the project, the Baker administration should use the 2% per year rate of
increase in the state’s renewable portfolio standard in the planning for a smarter grid, together
with a commitment to install 25% of solar generation in Massachusetts. Longer term policies
and regulations need to be established today for both small and larger scale solar and wind plus
storage through 2030. Taken together, policies like these have the potential to do even more to
positively transform our energy system, lower costs for all ratepayers, and significantly reduce
greenhouse gas emissions in the region.
Thank you for your consideration.
Doug Pope